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Juliet McKenna in glasses

Juliet McKenna - On Tyne Consultancy Ltd

April 01, 20241 min read

Juliet McKenna - On Tyne Consultancy

More About This Lass:

We streamline accounting and office systems, especially linking online shops and E Commerce sites with accounting software by researching best fit, mapping, training, and follow up care and advice. We can automate systems and support you moving on to digital accounting software (Xero & QBO) from spreadsheets or desktop software, to become MTD compliant. or give you a cloud accounting software system health check. We can also help streamline your app stacks, and work with you and research and advise on integration of systems for stock management, CRM systems and other business software.

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Key Services:

Streamlining accounting software,

Ecommerce and office systems,

Apps, links etc

ecommerceonline shopsxeroQuickbooks onlinea2xLink my booksShopifyetsydextCloud accounting softwareamazonCRM systemsspreadsheetsStock Control softwareCloud Accounting Healthcheck
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