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Sam Thurlow smiling with curly hair

Sam Thurlow - In Collaboration

May 05, 20241 min read

sam thurlow - in collaboration

More About This Lass:

We're a business support agency, helping female entrepreneurs reduce the overwhelm and grow their business. Run by Sam, with a BA in graphic design, experience as account director of a London marketing agency and administrative experience, In Collaboration has grown to include a small team of experts in a range of specialisms to support your business. Offering all through support from marketing and copywriting, graphic design and brand, and website design and builds to admin support, accountability and prioritisation support, and strategy mentoring and planning. We've built a team around experience, knowledge and expertise to be able to offer all-rounded support but at a quality level you can trust. We offer all the support a small business needs to grow and thrive in one place, so you can find clarity, achieve balance and grow your business with just one comprehensive team.... so you can stop juggling it all and fall back in love with your business.

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Key Services:

Marketing, advertising and social media

Website design, build and SEO optimisation

Mentoring and business strategy

General admin tasks

Copywriting and blogs

Planning and prioritisation support

Accountability and body doubling

Access to Work applications and support worker assistance

northern lass loungeMarketingadminvawebsitesweb designSocial MediaAccess to work,Business supportmentoringBusiness strategy,Business planning,Accountability,ceoblogsCopywriting
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